Author: Cecilia Chiu, RD. Vivian Ho, B.A.Sc 您錯過了11月24日的營養講座嗎? 請按這裡得到當日講義!
作者: Dr. Irene Li (MD) & Irene Poon, MScOT, Reg. OT 翻譯: Lawrence Yuan 在老年人群中,跌倒是影響其是否能獨立生活的重要因素,嚴重則亦會提高其他疾病的發病率和死亡率。因跌倒而引起的身體傷害在輕度上有軟組織創傷...
Falls Prevention
Authors: Dr. Irene Li (MD) & Irene Poon, MScOT, Reg. OT Falls in the elderly are major factors threatening the independence of older...
作者: Dr. Amy Zhao (Pharm.D), Wendy Chen (Pharm. D. Candidate) 什麼是高血脂? 脂肪自然存在於血液之中。 高血脂, 顧名思義,指的是身體裡血脂含量過高。血脂分為兩大類:膽固醇和甘油三酯。...
Learn to manage hyperlipidemia to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke
Authors: Dr. Amy Zhao (Pharm.D), Wendy Chen (Pharm. D. Candidate) What is Hyperlipidemia? Lipids (or fats) are naturally found in blood....
作者: Dr. Steven Shao (Pharm. D) 翻譯: Lawrence Yuan 今年/本季的流感疫苗有何新增事項和變化(含網上預約和問卷)? 新增事項 - 高劑量的流感疫苗 這類疫苗只適用於65歲以上的老年人,雖然一些免疫力比較弱的65歲以下的人群也能得益...
All About the Flu Shots [2020 Edition]
Author: Dr. Steven Shao (Pharm. D) What is new and different this year/ season (online appointments , questionnaire)? New - High Dose...
作者: Dr. Amy Zhao (Pharm. D) 翻譯: Wendy Chen (Pharm. D Candidate) 關節炎是加拿大最常見的慢性疾病之一, 每五人中就有一人患有該疾病。根據預期,加拿大的關節炎患病人數在接下來的幾年內會繼續增長,...
Will we all develop arthritis as we age?
Author: Dr. Amy Zhao (Pharm. D) Arthritis is one of the most common chronic conditions in Canada, affecting 1 in 5 people. Since it is...
作者: Lynn Xiaolin Li, Occupational therapist Candidate 審閱者: Dr. Grace Li (MD) 關節炎分很多種,最常見的是骨性關節炎和類風濕性關節炎。它的主要症狀是關節疼痛,腫脹和關節僵硬等。毋庸置疑,對我們的日...