High Cholesterol Mandarin Information Session
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Author: King Chen (PharmD) 1) 誤解:Health Canada 不會對已通過的新冠疫苗進行長期監管 答:Health Canada會持續監管新冠疫苗帶來的長期副作用。除此之外,在接下來的兩年以上,生產商需要持續向Health...
Covid 19 Vaccines FAQs
Author: King Chen (PharmD) 1) Myth: There is no long term monitoring after Health Canada approves the covid vaccines. Bust: No. Health...
作者: Wendy Chen (Pharm. D. Candidate) & Dr. Bernard Ho (MD) 1. 什麼是HPV(人類乳頭瘤病毒) HPV是一系列通過性接觸傳播的病毒的統稱。由於它們很常見,大多數人一生中會暴露於任意一種HPV類型一次。HPV病毒通過...
Answers to common questions about the HPV vaccine
Co-author: Wendy Chen (Pharm. D. Candidate) & Dr. Bernard Ho (MD) 1. What is HPV Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the name of a group of...
作者: Lynn Xiaolin Li, Occupational Therapist Candidate 審閱者: Irene Poon, MScOT, Reg. OT 什麼是腕管綜合徵 腕管綜合徵是由正中神經受到壓迫引起的一種十分常見的腕部疾病。腕管是一個解剖結構,是位...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Writer: Lynn Xiaolin Li, Occupational Therapist Candidate Reviewer: Irene Poon, MScOT, Reg. OT What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal...
食藥攻略知多d - 究竟哪種藥丸可以打開,那種藥可以壓碎?
作者: Dr. Steven Shao (註冊藥劑師) 翻譯: Lawrence Yuan 藥物因配方的不同經過不同的形式進入市面,有了合成藥房 (Compounding Pharmacy)的存在,病人可以通過自身的需求找到最適合自己的藥物配方。服用藥物時,始終遵循藥物標籤...
Are you tampering with your medications? Read this first!
Author: Dr. Steven Shao (Pharm. D) There are many different formulations drugs come in and with the magic of a compounding pharmacy, even...