Dental services during COVID-19
Are dentists essential workers during the pandemic? Dentistry is an essential service as dentists manage dental emergencies that would...
作者: Lynn X. Li (MSc OT Candidate) Reviewed by Dr. Grace Lee (MD) 很多慢性關節炎,關節疼痛以及肌肉損傷都是由生活中不正確的身體姿勢造成的。受冠狀病毒影響,我們有了更多時間在家休息與活動。您有沒有覺得在家一整天...
Does good posture matter?
Author: Lynn X. Li (Msc OT Candidate) Editor: Dr. Tina Lam Reviewed by Dr. Grace Lee (MD) Poor posture can cause many skeletomuscular...
法律聲明:本文內容最後更新日期為2020年3月30日。由於每日疫情情況的波動和相關政策的調整,我們會儘量更新本篇文章中的內容。想要了解每日最新多倫多市內關於新冠疫情的資訊,請前往 ...
COVID-19: How do I know if I have the virus?
Disclaimer: This blog post is up to date as of March 30th, 2020. However, guidelines and policies around COVID-19 are changing on a daily...
新冠肺炎病毒: 基本知識齊分享
法律聲明:本文內容最後更新日期為2020年3月30日。由於每日疫情情況的波動和相關政策的調整,我們會及所可能的在期間內更新本篇文章中的內容。想要了解每日最新多倫多市內關於新冠疫情的資訊,請前往 ...
COVID-19: The Basics
Disclaimer: This blog post is up to date as of March 30th, 2020. However, guidelines and policies around COVID-19 are changing on a daily...
加拿大緊急應變福利 (Canada Emergency Response Benefit)
編輯:Lawrence Yuan 這是一項加拿大聯邦政府針對於工薪族群的緊急緩解措施。具體服務人群包括因近期新冠病毒疫情(COVID-19)影響而導致失去工作、被自我隔離、患上新冠肺炎、須要照顧因疫情受影響的家人、或者需要在家中照顧子女的工作人群。同時,此項福利也適用於自僱...
Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
This is a new program introduced as part of the Federal government’s COVID-19 response. It is targeted to workers (including the...
What is Occupational Therapy?
Author: Lynn X. Li (MScOT Candidate) Editor: Dr. Tina Lam Reviewed by: Dr. G. Lee (MD) Why need Occupational therapy? Occupational...