Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Author: Dian Han, Pharm. D Candidate Reviewed by: Dr. Bernard Ho, MD Gastroesophageal reflux disease...
肝炎 // Hepatitis
作者//Author - Dr. K. Li, MD (resident) 駐院內科李醫生告訴你:「乙/丙型肝炎通常由血液傳播。除非你口腔有傷口,否則不容易受感染」 "Hep B and C usually gets transmitted through blood /...
Disability Tax Credit
Author: Thomas Guo (CPA, CA, MAcc) What is the disability tax credit? The disability tax credit (DTC) is a non-refundable tax credit that...
作者:Thomas Guo (CPA, CA, MAcc) 編輯:Lawrence Yuan 什麼是殘疾稅收抵免? 殘疾稅收抵免(Disability Tax Credit)是一種幫助殘疾人士減少可能需要支付的所得稅的一項不可退還的稅收抵免。若殘疾人士自己無法使用此項稅...
昇華8月24日講座 - 旅行前的醫療準備 作者/演講師 - Amy. Z (Pharm.D. Candidate) Reviewed by - Dr. S. Shao (Pharm. D) 按這裡下載PDF清單檔案
安省耆老免費牙科服務 Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program 65 歲安省低收入長者注意,安省將於今年秋季前推出免費牙科服務。 只要您是 - 65歲或以上 - 個人收入等於或低於$19,300,或與伴侶二人總收入等於或低於$32,300...
AIME Health Talk - Alzheimer's/ Dementia
In our last seminar we discussed a very popular topic - Alzheimer’s disease. If you want to review the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease...
昇華健康講座 之 失智症
2018年昇華最後一個講座跟長者們探討了失智症的問題。 如果想要複習我們討論過的一些症狀, 請按這裡
AIME Health Talk - Dry Mouth as it relates to Dentistry
What is hyposalivation and how do we manage that? We have Drs. Lam and Chen, together with third year pharmacy student Amy, discussing...
昇華健康講座 之 口腔健康 (與牙科有關之口乾症)
口乾的成因跟處理方法是什麼呢?今天林醫生,陳藥劑師跟藥劑學學生Amy就和大家討論了這個話題。 請按這裡下載話題資料: